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Welcome to the Zeba catchment area!

Zeba (the association of the Zug municipalities for waste management) takes care of environmentally sound and cost-effective waste management and disposal in the canton of Zug on behalf of the eleven Zug municipalities. For this purpose, we provide a comprehensive, uniform and easily accessible waste disposal service.

Private households

Recycling centres (Ökihöfe) and neighbourhood collection points

Every municipality operates a serviced recycling centre where you can dispose of some 30 different types of waste material. You may take your waste to any of the 12 recycling centres in the canton. Neighbourhood collection points are available in each area for glass, aluminium and tin and in some cases textiles. For details of all collection points near you, see 

Collection service

Refuse (only in designated bags requiring payment of a fee) and green waste (free of charge) are collected from your home once a week (refuse only if there is no underground container nearby). For other collections available in a specific municipality (paper, and in some cases cardboard and scrap metal) as well as collection tours by the Ökimobil and Rösslitram, please refer to your municipality’s collection calendar or you can download the collection calendar app and never miss a collection again thanks to the free reminder service. A generic waste disposal leaflet is available for download here. Please note that items for collection must be ready before 7.00 a.m. on the day of collection.

Underground container (UFC) for refuse

Zeba aims to provide underground containers for refuse collection throughout its entire catchment area by 2030. For details of existing locations, see You can dispose of your refuse in the underground containers on a round-the-clock basis in designated bags requiring payment of a fee. Once an underground container has been installed in your area, there is no more refuse collection.

Waste material types subject to a fee

Designated bags requiring payment of a fee are available at the following sales points.  
Bulky items are accepted at the recycling centres (Ökihöfe) at a rate of CHF 0.50 per kg and a minimum fee of CHF 2. For a summary of other types of waste, see here


Depending on the location and the amount of waste, the refuse is disposed of by weight against invoice or in the nearest underground container in designated bags requiring payment of a fee. Please contact your local municipality for details. For weighed collection in 800-litre containers you require a fee chip, that can be ordered here
At recycling centres (Ökihöfe), various types of waste material are accepted in small quantities. For a summary of which waste materials disposed of by businesses are subject to a fee, see here